龍樹菩薩修度母法成就後,親自將此儀軌寫下來,然後再由阿底峽尊者取出伏藏然後帶此伏藏法去西藏,在阿底峽尊者快涅盤時將此法本從他衣服的內層取出交付給他的弟子給謝顛巴.然後給謝顛巴再傳給他的弟子桑樸多勒謝啦.桑樸多勒謝啦再傳給他的弟子捏蘇巴…..最後傳給給薩札巴 給薩札巴再校正修改法本其音及字義.
依 據第一世詹貢康圖仁波切之法會儀軌,我們目前所面對的種種艱難,是在前世曾傷害過許多六道眾生,世間神和精靈所造成的因果。譬如:我們可能搶或偷了他人之財物。因此,今世在累積財物時,就會遇到多方面的障礙。我們在前世殺生多次,今世那些世間神或精靈及六道眾生就讓我們遇災禍,危及性命,或染上各種疾病, 或面臨重重障礙。是故參加這項非常殊勝之法會,通過他的供養及祈求綠度母的加持,以滿足這些冤親債主,使他們不再傷害我們,藉此還清我們所欠的一切業障。這樣,我們才能添財增福。
第 二部分是啟建一個代表宇宙世間的“垛”。它分為四個四方形的階層在一個地基上。最高那層是個四方宮殿,內有一騎著馬的假人。圍繞著他的是卅個小假人。第二層放八種食物和各種鳥類之像。第三層放許多家畜如馬,牛,羊,綿羊,野獸如羚羊,鹿等和水裏動物如魚,蝌蚪,青蛙,蛇等等之像。最低之第四層放八盞燈,各 種穀類和食物,寶石,草藥,五色布片等。垛內插著幾個以五色線交織在十字架的幻網,名‘南卡’或‘虛空’。其他的包括各種紙牌,上面繪有箭矢,紡錐,男 臉,女臉和房屋。在法會將結束時,此“垛”會被放在十字路口,但如果為了防止病症,則它應面對病症發生的方向。
• 平息糾紛爭鬥 戰爭及增 進世界和平
• 導至國泰民安
• 消除業障 • 消除病痛
• 增進福德及財運 延壽
• 生意興隆
• 休止黑術,巫術及魔鬼
• 諸根聰利
• 智慧多聞 恆學勝法
• 令諸有情 所求皆得
The Origin Of Drolma Yuldok Puja
Green Tara was one of the main yidam practices of Nagajuna. He transmitted this practice to the great siddha, Atisha, who then brought it to Tibet and passed on to his own disciples. From Atisha’s disciples, many lineages of this Tara practice were developed and spread throughout Tibet . These lineages were transmitted uninterruptedly, from Guru to disciples, until the great scholar, the 1st Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche. He compiled a Tara Puja text which was based on a collection of word by word transmissions through many great masters. The grand Drolma Yuldok puja is based on this text.
Benefits of Sponsoring this Puja.
Basing on the text by the 1st Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, many of our present difficulties are due to the effect of “Lha” and “Dre”ÿ (Local Gods and Spirits). This is because of our actions in our former lives during which we have done harms to these “Lha” and “Dre”. As a result, we have obstacles in accumulating wealth and fortune this life. In our former lives we had also committed many killing of lives, hence in this life we do not enjoy long life and meet many obstacles. Therefore, this method is an excellent way to repay our debts to the “Lha” and “Dre” and also the lives that we killed before by offering whatever we owe them through material offerings and the blessing of Green Tara which fulfill all their wishes and they lose their harmful intentions and thus our wealth and fortune would increase.
Nagarjuna said “Performance of Drolma Yuldok can pacify all harmful intensions of worldly Gods and deities and our wishes would be fulfilled like the wish fulfilling Gem. It can pacify all negative forces and ward off all bad omens in the region.
Atisha said, “if one wishes to take a long journey, he should perform this Puja and would never meet any obstacle. If there are wars, incurable diseases and bad omens in the region, we should perform this Puja to dispel these obstacles. In brief, if one wishes to overcome his negativities, he should perform this Puja without hesitation and all negativities would be removed and all wishes granted. Amongst the many pujas for these purposes, the Drolma Yuldok Puja is the best.
• Pacify disharmony, fighting, war and promote world peace
• Bring peace and prosperity to the country
• Remove obstacles.
• Prevent sufferings or sickness.
• Increase merits, luck and fortune.
• Success in business.
• Prolong life span.
• Dispell black magic, witch-craft and negative forces.
• Senses will be sharpened.
• Become wise and learned.
• Strive solely for the sublime teachings
• To grant all beings with whatever they pray for.